A game changing system to beneficial society as a whole.

About Alfonso Rembert


A California-based entrepreneur and noted game changer in the social justice movement, Alfonso Rembert has recently founded Rembert's Worldwide Networking, LLC. to inform the world on all sorts of issues, and to use his worldwide platform to network with all sorts of power to benefit all people. As the owner of the company, Alfonso Rembert seeks to educate the world and advocate for important social issues to help the average person, such as advocatng for effective program to help at-risk young people.

Providing good guidance to troubled youth is an effective form of intervention, because many of them are geared towards bad influences with misguided peer pressure. Young people need someone who has a positive influence on their lives, and show them how they can legitimately be successful in life. Extensive research has supported the notion that children who receive proper guidance from an early age are much more successful and much happier later in life.

Among other outcomes, providing good efficient and effective programs to youth can help to improve a young person's confidence, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. Mentoring programs can also help young people to develop a positive attitude and values, as well as increase their optimism for the future.

A 2013 study concluded that mentoring programs are particularly successful when they target at-risk youth because they partularly need good guidance, such as those with significant financial needs that challenge their behavior. Participating young people reported fewer symptoms of depression and improvements in academic attitudes and social acceptance, and these results are greatly beneficial to society as a whole.

Alfonso Rembert

Alfonso Rembert


Alfonso Rembert